Jamstack: A Modern Web Development Architecture

Post date
1st June 2023
By Ryan Gittings

Jamstack has gained a lot of popularity in recent years as a modern web development architecture. It is an approach that emphasizes pre-built and reusable components, APIs, and static assets. As a result, it has become a top choice for many businesses looking to improve their website performance and user experience.

What is Jamstack?

Jamstack stands for JavaScript, APIs, and Markup. It is a term coined by Mathias Biilmann, the CEO of Netlify, to describe a web development approach that emphasizes pre-built and reusable components, APIs, and static assets.

Traditional web development architecture involves a server-side rendering approach that generates HTML on the server and sends it to the client's browser. This approach can be slow and resource-intensive, leading to slower load times and higher server costs.

In contrast, Jamstack uses a static site generator that pre-builds HTML pages and assets at build time, making them instantly available to the user. The server-side processing is moved to the build process, allowing for faster page loads and better scalability.

The Benefits of Working with a Jamstack Developer

For businesses looking to adopt the Jamstack approach, finding a qualified Jamstack developer is essential. A Jamstack developer is a web developer with expertise in building websites using the Jamstack architecture. They possess the necessary skills and experience to develop fast, scalable, and secure websites.

One of the benefits of working with a Jamstack developer is the ability to leverage the power of JavaScript. JavaScript is used to add interactivity to a website, allowing for dynamic and responsive user interfaces, animations, and user interactions. A skilled Jamstack developer can help businesses create engaging and interactive web experiences that keep users coming back.

Another important component of Jamstack is APIs. APIs allow developers to integrate third-party services and data into their websites, making them more functional and feature-rich. A Jamstack developer can help businesses identify the right APIs to use and integrate them seamlessly into their websites.

Finally, Jamstack relies on static markup. Static markup means that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files are generated at build time and served directly to the user. This approach eliminates the need for server-side rendering, resulting in faster page load times and lower server costs. A skilled Jamstack developer can optimize the website's code and assets to ensure optimal performance and speed.

The Advantages of Using Jamstack

There are several advantages to using Jamstack for web development. Some of these include:

Improved Website Performance

By pre-building and serving static assets, Jamstack websites load faster than traditional websites. This improved performance results in a better user experience and higher search engine rankings.

Increased Scalability

Jamstack websites are highly scalable, thanks to their use of CDNs and pre-built assets. This makes them suitable for websites with high traffic and complex features.

Lower Server Costs

Since Jamstack websites use pre-built assets, there is less server-side processing required. This leads to lower server costs, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses.

Improved Security

Jamstack websites are inherently more secure than traditional websites. Since there is no server-side processing, there are fewer opportunities for hackers to exploit vulnerabilities.

Finding the Right Jamstack Developer

When looking for a Jamstack developer, it's essential to find someone with the right skills and experience. Here are some things to consider when hiring a Jamstack developer:

Skills and Experience

A qualified Jamstack developer should have expertise in JavaScript, APIs, and static markup. They should also be familiar with popular static site generators such as Gatsby, Hugo, or Jekyll.


When evaluating potential Jamstack developers, be sure to review their portfolio. Look for websites they've built using the Jamstack architecture and pay attention to website performance, speed, and functionality. A strong portfolio indicates a developer's ability to deliver high-quality work that meets your business's needs.

Communication and Collaboration

Communication is key when working with any developer. Look for a Jamstack developer who is responsive, open to feedback, and able to work collaboratively with your team. A developer who is easy to work with can make the development process smoother and more efficient.

Rates and Availability

Finally, consider the developer's rates and availability. Jamstack developers can be in high demand, so be sure to confirm their availability before hiring them. Additionally, be sure to get a clear understanding of their rates and what is included in their services.


Jamstack is a modern web development architecture that emphasizes pre-built and reusable components, APIs, and static assets. It offers several advantages over traditional web development, including improved website performance, increased scalability, lower server costs, and improved security.

For businesses looking to adopt Jamstack, finding the right Jamstack developer is essential. A skilled Jamstack developer can help businesses create fast, scalable, and secure websites that provide a better user experience. When hiring a Jamstack developer, be sure to consider their skills and experience, portfolio, communication style, and rates and availability.

By working with a qualified Jamstack developer, businesses can unlock the full potential of the Jamstack architecture and create engaging, feature-rich websites that meet their business's needs.

Ryan holding his jacket

Ryan Gittings

Founder of Gittings Studio

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