Immediate Theatre

View Site
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Involve communities in projects inspiring wellbeing, breaking barriers, engaging in personal and social change.

2020 - Now

Website browser on Mac with Immediate Theatre website open

We are delighted to share that our partnership with Immediate Theatre has blossomed into a truly exceptional collaboration. Through dedicated efforts and continuous improvement, we have successfully embarked on the second-generation development of their website, resulting in a remarkable digital platform that promises an immersive and captivating experience for its users. At the heart of this innovative website lies a breathtaking design that seamlessly integrates photography and illustration, forging a harmonious union that leaves a lasting impression on visitors. Every element has been meticulously crafted to create a visually stunning environment, where images come alive and illustrations enchant, inviting users to embark on a journey of artistic discovery.

Website browser on iPhone with Immediate Theatre website open
  • Nile #1B485E
  • Scooter #21BADE
  • Picton #3CBCDF
  • Mine #176887
  • Slate #A0A0A0
  • White #FFFFFF
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If you're interested in exploring the digital possibilities that Gittings Studio has to offer, feel free to contact us today. We'd love to chat with you!

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  • Website browser on iPhone with teetotal website open
    • Website Design
    • Website Development
  • Website browser on Mac laptop with SLR website open
    • Website Development
